The birth of christian religion: A history
13.88 €
Szerző: Kovács György
Kötésmód: kemény táblakötés
Megjelenés: 2023
Kiadó: Ad Librum Kft.
Oldalszám: 240
I dedicate this book to those who have a natural scientific interest in which events led to the development of the Christian religion, who want to know the exact chronological data of the era and would like to get a general overview of the history of Christianity.
Kötésmód: kemény táblakötés
Megjelenés: 2023
Kiadó: Ad Librum Kft.
Oldalszám: 240
I dedicate this book to those who have a natural scientific interest in which events led to the development of the Christian religion, who want to know the exact chronological data of the era and would like to get a general overview of the history of Christianity.
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